Sunday, September 23, 2012

4 Life lessons I learned from Left 4 Dead 2

4 Life lessons I learned from Left 4 Dead 2

#4 Everything in life is out to kill you.

Nature and time want you dead. Whether it’s a crazy serial killer in the forest, some malfunctioning elevator or a bad case of being really old, you’re going to die eventually. The first time I played Left 4 Dead my character was sitting quietly in a hallway and randomly a horde of extremely angry,  athletic zombies came pouring out from what seemed to be every direction. At that moment I realized I had three options. One, I could freeze up and die. Two, run for my life and hope I don’t die.  Third option, engage in a good old fashioned zombie beat down fighting my way through.

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(Sheesh, how many numbers are gonna be in this thing? 13, probably. I haven’t finished writing yet.)

I’ve responded in each way at some point. Heck, I still freeze up if a wasp gets near me. My first instinct during my teenage years was to run from problems or act like they weren’t there. Hint: Neither one or two are good ways to approach a problem. Well, I guess it’s OK to run from the Guy on a Buffalo, or if the problem might kill you. Definitely run if the problem is trying to kill you. When I got to my 20’s I hit the ‘fight through it’ phase which I am currently in. Things aren’t perfect for me but they are a hell of a lot better than when I was running from problems and standing still around wasps.

(Rosemary Ratcliff) (That bastard.)

#3 Spending a little time looking around may save your life.

Patience these days seems to run pretty thin, for the most part we live hectic lives and when we want things, we want them now. Which I imagine is why there is a drive thru almost everywhere.

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(Hi honey, Macy’s now has a drive thru!)

Many people say time is money. In Left4Dead, time is life or death, because every second spent doing anything but running towards a saferoom is increasing the odds that a decaying flash mob may try and rip your face off (or do a musical number, only time will tell). Sometimes we need to take a minute and see what is off to the sides. In the game you may find pills or an item that could help you make it out alive, even if you’re limping and about to crumble.

(phanlop88) (In real life random pills and shots will most likely not help you.)

As someone who occasionally has to live on a tight budget I began looking for better ways to buy things, be it food/electronics/whathaveyou. I saved a ton of money shopping online, to the point where I can’t walk into many stores without being completely horrified at their prices. This strategy got me through tough times, even though finding good deals and waiting for things wasn’t the path of least resistance.

#2 Some people will screw you over for no reason.
Not everyone has the ‘fight through it’ attitude, an example we recently saw on The Walking Dead when Shane shot his comrade in the leg. You might think in a video game, where the worst thing that could happen is fake dying and starting over, that people would always try and help their team no matter how bad things got. Well, that’s not the case. Some people you don’t know may shoot you for no reason. In Left 4 Dead the most likely case is that a teammate gets nervous and ditches you when you need them because they want to make it, even after you give them your pills.

(renjith krishnan) (Once again, random pills do not solve life’s problems.)

What I thought was a good friend of mine for a few years, one day confessed to me that she had skin cancer and asked me if she could borrow $100. At the time I had a crappy job and was going to community college, she was asking for a lot but I was able to scrape together the money. She then took it and went MIA for a few months.

The next time I saw her she had leased a brand new Jetta and was moving into a nicer apartment. The borrowed money was never heard from again. Also the cancer was gone. A few years later a co-worker of mine pulled me aside one day and told me how he was in a tough spot and needed to borrow $200. I knew it was serious when the tears began to flow. I told him the best I could do was $120 and even though he never got back on his feet, as far as I know, he managed to pay me back $80. He did this even after I had repeatedly told him not to worry about it. Point is, in times of panic, people show their true colors.

 (David Castillo Dominici) (Purple!)

#1 Good friends will stick with you, even if it means you all go down. 

There are a few people I really enjoy playing with online. Not because they have silly voices or always win because they play way too much. I like to play on their team because I know that when piss hits the fan, they’ll stick around until we either make it through, or die trying.

(Piss hitting the fan.)

I have a few select friends in real life that fit this category. Even if one of us makes a mistake or acts like kind of a douche, I know they won’t throw me under the bus. (I did find a picture of someone being thrown under the bus, but it wasn’t pretty. Neither was the douche picture.) I’ve learned that in life you need to find those kind of people and get them on your team. I also recommend finding a special someone with those qualities. If you get around to it after all that, kill as many wasps as you can.

(The more the merrier.)

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