Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dream log

Well since i'm pretty sure no one reads this and its too much work to have something like this on a personal journal site, i decided to make this a dream log blog. warning, things get a little outta control.

so last night i had a really weird dream. all i remember is this one part.

keep in mind i would never actually do this.

-so, i walked into a bathroom in some huge office building and there were 2 sinks opposite from eachother on opposite walls like so
wall 1-sink   (space)    sink-wall2
well there was a lady working on the sink on wall one, and for some reason i thought it would be funny to pee in the sink on the other wall. so i walked over there, turned on the water so she wouldn't notice and started peeing in the sink. why i unbuttoned my jeans is beyond me but they start sliding down. then the lady looks over and asks what i'm doing. awkward. so is say i'm just washing my hands and she goes 'why are your pants falling down then?' i said 'oh' like i hadn't noticed, but neglected to pull them up cuz i was still going. then she keeps asking me what i'm doing, apparently i had to go really bad and i wasn't done yet. so then i woke up.

the end.


  1. Hey! I read this. I hope your dreams don't get too uncomfortable for me to read about, or I'll have to stop reading this.

  2. hopefully this doesn't get to uncomfortable for me to write about. This is as 'edgy' as i'd get. more on the awkward side of weird. i'll post more that are on the wierd side of weird
