Sunday, December 13, 2009

Van Helsinglike Dreamagination

So first off i'll start with the attire, to set the mood. Naturally. Imagine a mix of that trench coat on van helsing and the suit on that swat looking guy, there was also just a black ski mask instead of a helmet but it didn't have a mouth hole and we had black goggles instead of that faceplate...thing. I also had a shotgun hanging from the trench coat and we were loaded with guns and ammo.

Yeah pretty great right. So it starts out and me and this girl with a black ponytail are dressed exactly the same and look identical, with the sole difference that her ponytail is poking out of the back of the ski mask, we are in the middle of a huge hay field on a clear sunny day with a slight breeze blowing past. I assume for visual effect. We walk a few steps and find a trapdoor which was made from old thick and heavy timber, i'm guessing it was about 4ft x 4ft wide, i grabbed the metal ring handle and yanked up the door. My partner immediatly jumped down into the dark.

I heard gunshots and saw the flashes of light from them. I jumped down and we were in a hallway. We ran back and forth across the opening shooting at vampires that were attacking village people in this gigantic dirt room. It was cavernous and looked like i would imagine the inside of a pyramid to look lit with really really bright torches. 

I was using an uzi at first but then when that ran out of ammo i switched to the shotgun and then to pistols. Eventually after running out of ammo and having a really cool fight scene, i ran in and noticed that there was just one vampire left. The villagers had her corned with pitchforks and she was hissing at people, i walked over and grabbed three wooden crosses about the size of my hand and juggled them around her. she then turned back to normal. I walked up a really long flight of stone steps and came to a piano in the center of a small room. A man was sitting at one end and there were keys on both sides of this piano. the notes were assembled on top of the piano on little tiles like scrabble pieces. I sat down and he said 'play!' I began to play and after a few notes, made a mistake. He yelled, 'AGAIN!' I tried to play and messed up again, so he yelled 'again' and i tried again, messing up. He yelled 'again' and i quickly arose and yelled back, 'Tell me where dracula went!'

He responded, 'to the west'. then got up and walked away. I went back down the stairs to the village people. I said that dracula had gone west and they fearfully replied, 'that WAS dracula!' I yelled, 'NOOOOO'

Thats it.
Click the drawing for a close up that you can read better.

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